Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: Do your holdings include large format films (16mm, 35mm)?

A: No.  The archive's holdings include what is known as non-filmic materials: special collections, original documents; photographic negatives and prints; film advertising (posters, lobby cards, material addressed to film exhibitors, yearly film guides, etc.); interviews on video and audio; trade magazines; books, etc.

Q: Do you sell, rent, or lend films in video and/or dvd?

A: No, we do not.

Q: Do you license film rights?

A: No; since we do not own any films' copyrights, we are not able to license them.

Q: Do you license image rights?

A: The only images which rights we can license are: photographs taken by Rogelio Agrasánchez Jr. and artwork created at the Archive.  Individuals or institutions interested in getting other images for cultural or non-cultural uses still can ask for them, but they will be responsible for getting permission from the Mexican copyright owner(s) for reproducing such images.

Q:  Do you license book rights?

A: We are indeed able to license books which copyright is owned by Rogelio Agrasánchez Jr. that are not presently under contract with a publisher.  Potential deals include books presently out-of-print, projects in the works, and unpublished manuscripts.  Several projects are available for licensing in 2014.

Q: Are you currently publishing books?

A: Yes, we have resumed publishing in electronic format (.pdf books in CD and in downloadable files). Our first ebook, Viaje redondo: el cine mudo mexicano en los Estados Unidos is already available. For purchases, please visit the publications section of this website. Additionally, a pair of books authored by Rogelio Agrasánchez Jr. are currently available by other editorial house (McFarland Publishers). Three books by Agrasánchez and other authors are in preparation for publishing in 2014.

Q: Are books your only projects?

A: No, we have other projects:  digitization of the archive's holdings; some documentaries, and the construction of facilities for the archive, so its holdings will be available for researchers, students, and other people interested in Mexican film and culture. In 2014, a new stage in cataloguing/preserving the archive's vast photographic holdings will be launched. We are also interested in rescue and restoration of Mexican orphan films.

Q: Do you offer any services, and how much do you charge for them?

A: We are constantly receiving requests for services.  What we can offer is:  leads for research, including suggestion of a variety of sources; providing digital images for academic works; data; consultation for authors and documentarists; material from our bibliographic and hemerographic collections; translations of film related texts from English to Spanish and Italian to Spanish, etc. Charges are calculated by the hour or depending on the material provided, whatever be more convenient for the purchaser. Some services we give are free of charge, when they are requested by students, independent researchers, and non-profit institutions.  Since the Agrasánchez archive is self-supported, those free services are limited. Some information/image services tailored for authorized distributors of Mexican films 1931-1980 in video are available.

Q: Who owns the archive?

A: Rogelio Agrasánchez Jr., who is also its curator. All matters related to the Archive must be addressed to him; we have no representatives or agents. Some of the questions will be answered by the archive's assistant. Requests of materials should be addressed to Xóchitl Fernández.

Q: Do you allow visitors/reseachers at the archive?

A: Not at present.  All requests for information and/or materials should be made to:

Q: Are there materials available for sale at the Archive?

A: The Archive's holdings are not for sale, but we do have valuable surplus materials that can be purchased by universities, museums, or other institutions, and also by individuals. Information will be provided by request.